April 17, 2017
Monday- ROL, 5-A-Day, What is your why? Work time
Tuesday- Good Things, Present your Why to small groups- grade on effective speaking and visual support SL.7.4, SL.7.5, SL.7.3
Wednesday- ROL, 5-A-Day, Fall of Rome- https://docs.google.com/a/hamiltonschools.us/document/d/19Qw1TabADPhE1VZfz4TYkoGkEKDl9qKX-OAwmKcDRto/edit?usp=sharing
Thursday- Good News, SSR, Fall of Rome
Friday- ROL, 5-A-Day, Fall of Rome
*Job Shadow applications due on Friday! 7th hour
SSR- 2 hours outside of class