Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The week of May 30

May 30, 2016
Monday- Memorial Day, NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday- Good News, SSR, Gang informational reading RI.7.4
Wednesday-ROL, Caught Ya, Comprehension quiz on Chapters 9-12; boxes are due, Stay Gold Activity RL.7.7
Thursday- Good News, SSR, Work on new broadcast presentations

Friday- ROL, Caught Ya, present broadcasts, types of conflict in The Outsiders

Monday, May 23, 2016

The week of May 23

May 23, 2016
Monday- Role play chapters 2-3 and work on chapters 4-6
Tuesday- Good News, Comprehension quiz over chapters 4-6; identity journal, read chapter 7
Wednesday-Read chapter 8 as Readers Theatre, start wanted poster -- due Friday; read chapters 7-9 and Boxes -- due Friday
Thursday- Good News, Work Day
Friday- ROL, Caught Ya, Comprehension quiz over chapters 7-9; wanted poster due W.7.4, assign chapters 9-12, due Wednesday with 12 summary boxes

SSR- 2 hours outside of class

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The week of May 16

May 16, 2016
Tuesday- Good News, pre-reading- life in the 1950s and 1960s brainstorm and PowerPoint with pictures,
S.E. Hinton Bio and paragraph on author’s purpose--why did S.E. Hinton write The Outsiders- due Thursday, RI.7.6 https://docs.google.com/a/hamiltonschools.us/document/d/1SyVqoSQAF0G7SMU5QBjmKVOmzur7MGRCrKtGhRAIBxk/edit?usp=sharing

Wednesday-ROL, Caught Ya, hand out the The Outsiders- character chart and reading calendar--https://docs.google.com/a/hamiltonschools.us/document/d/1LFN4s7M7LoqO69eI1ubY4Er5kt_8vLV9hTDTfWD0hrU/edit?usp=sharing, begin boxes on chapters 1-3 and character chart-- https://docs.google.com/a/hamiltonschools.us/document/d/14OQ7QaXjtOZ29aZRIFO-Nnm6VnzJ2O0Z449d0wF1vE8/edit?usp=sharing all due on Friday

Thursday- Good News, SSR, read and work on character chart and summary boxes

Friday- ROL, Caught Ya, chapters 1-3 due, Comprehension quiz on Chapter 1-3 and character chart due, assign chap. 4-6, due Tuesday

SSR- 2 hours outside of class

Monday, May 9, 2016

The week of May 9

M-STEP Week- we test in the mornings on Monday and Wednesday, and we test in the afternoons on Tuesday/Thursday.

This week:
1. Finish presentations on job shadowing
2. Verb Tenses

SSR- 2 hours outside of class

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The week of May 2

Monday- R.O.L, and finish DBQ- share with SS teacher
Tuesday- Good Things, SSR, and work on Job Shadow Presentation (like Ignite)- https://docs.google.com/a/hamiltonschools.us/presentation/d/1wajWwgIa1bAzWr866R7Wf5aSitCHGXRrFttyAUwqTTI/edit?usp=sharing
Wednesday- R.O.L, finish presentation, rehearse, SSR
Thursday- Good Things, present
Friday- R.O.L., present