Monday, November 23, 2015

The week of Nov. 23

Week of Nov. 23
Monday- ROL, Caught ‘Ya, Sentence Jeopardy
Tuesday- Sentence Test, Good News, SSR
Wednesday- ROL, Caught Ya’, Hero in the Hallway video, dictionary definition of a hero- create a poster with a partner that shows your definition of a hero- words, pictures, etc.
Thursday- Thanksgiving Day
Friday- Black Friday

HOMEWORK: Study sentences on Monday and READ! Reading log due Monday.

Monday, November 16, 2015

The week of Nov. 16

Week of Nov. 16
Monday- ROL, Caught Ya, work on notecards, Coffee hero, Dan Dewey- using evidence,
Tuesday- Good Things, SSR, work on notecards, and review sentences
Wednesday- ROL, Caught ‘Ya, hand back myths, revision sheet, students revise
Thursday- Good Things, SSR, finish Dan Dewey, Hero in the Hallway video, dictionary definition of a hero- create a poster with a partner that shows your definition of a hero- words, pictures, etc.
Friday- ROL, Caught Ya, Sentence Jeopardy

Monday-Friday- study sentences

Read 20 minutes every night- fill in reading log and get it signed- due Monday

Friday, November 6, 2015

The week of Nov. 9

Week of November 9
Monday-  ROL, Caught ‘Ya, Reading Log intro, finish PowerPoint, complete sentences activities--independent clauses,subject and verbs
Tuesday- Good News, compound sentences explain, SSR- find simple sentences and compound sentences in your own book- write 3 examples of each on note card
Wednesday-  ROL, Caught ‘Ya, practice Compound and Complex Sentences
Thursday- Good News, SSR, note card--write an example of a simple sentence, compound sentence, and complex sentence from their silent reading book.
Friday- ROL, Caught ‘Ya, Coffee hero, Dan Dewey-, Hero in the Hallway video, dictionary definition of a hero- create a poster with a partner that shows your definition of a hero- words, pictures, etc.

EVERY DAY:  Read 2 hours outside of English class, record, and get parent signature
*Make sure myths and any late work are handed in!!