Thursday, August 28, 2014


Click here to access the syllabus.

The week of Sept. 1

Week of Sept. 1
Monday- Labor Day
Tuesday- Seating Charts, Expectations, Syllabus, Autograph Party, explain “I” poster
Wednesday- Read out loud (Crash), Social Contract, Library (get a 200-page book you have never read before), explain 40 book challenge, and work on “I” poster.
Thursday- Share good things, silent reading, write six-word memoir and tweet (140 characters or less)
Friday- Read out loud, Start Word Nerd (Word Wall), Caught ‘Ya, intro. to Greek and Latin root words and make notecards

Tuesday- bring SSR book, get syllabus signed

Friday- Finish Greek and Latin root word notecards

Welcome to 7th Grade English! We are excited to have you in class!